
NFL avoids competing with Obama speech

This time, the NFL doesn't want to compete with President Obama.
Obama and Nfl Jerseys I Sales The National Football League has announced it is moving up next season's opening game by one day -- to Wednesday, Sept. 5 -- to avoid competing with Obama's acceptance speech the next night at the Democratic convention.
Back in September, Obama began a jobs speech to Congress an hour before prime time so that he could finish before the 2011 season opener between the Green Bay Packers and the New Orleans Saints.
The NFL announced last night it is avoiding a conflict altogether this time around by moving opening night, which will feature the Super Bowl champion New York Giants and a yet-to-be-determined opponent.
Oddly enough, Obama will deliver his Thursday, Sept. 6, acceptance speech at an NFL facility -- Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, N.C.
This is the second straight cycle in which there has been a scheduling logjam between the NFL and a political convention.
Four years ago, Sen. John McCain waited until the end of the Giants-Washington Redskins game to deliver his acceptance speech at the Republican conclave in St. Paul.
But those who prefer football to politics still have alternatives.
Just as with McCain in 2008, there will be college football games on television the night of Obama's acceptance speech.

