
Beyoncé’s letter to the First Lady

 Beyoncé’s letter to the First Lady
"I want to vote for the guy down the street." That’s how Darlene, a single mom working in accounting in Pennsylvania, explains why she supports President Obama.
"I see the President as that guy. He speaks to me. He’s the person in church who I look up to, or the guy around the corner at the football game. I feel like he knows what I’m going through because he’s been there. He gets it because he lived it. I don’t see Mitt Romney like that. I can’t identify with him, and I don’t think he can grasp the day-to-day struggles of a single mom like me. President Obama knows what it’s like to have to pay off loans or to struggle to keep your job. There’s a connection, and that personal appeal is what’s so important to me.
"I want my president to be the type of guy who would hang out in the neighborhood bar with me and listen to me talk and understand my life. That’s President Obama. That’s why I love the guy and that’s why I donate."

